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Sides of  Cerys 
- Rebecca Day 

March 2021 


Covid-19 forced me to stay inside. Covid-19 forced me to stay in the same flat, day in day out. Covid-19 forced me to spend all of my time with the same people, 24 hours of the day. Covid-19 forced me to see sides of Cerys which I honestly don't think I would have been exposed to if Covid-19 didn't happen. Emotions can overwhelm you, you tend to fall apart every few weeks whilst spending your time in student accommodation. There are only so many walks you can go on, only so many Tesco trips, and only so many weekends you can bare to bring yourself to drink once again. I see so many different sides to Cerys. I interact with her more than I could have ever anticipated. 


Media: Photography and photoshop 



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